Martin Weidner

  • Family picture: Family time with my wife and son is naturally my number 1 hobby.
  • Dead of Winter Boardgame: I recently rediscovered my passion for boardgames. I particularly like immersive games, like surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Dead of Winter.
  • Books Hyperion and “Die Pest”: I like reading and as divers as my personality is I love books that make you think (Die Pest of Albert Camus) and books that help you dream about possibilities (Hyperion is still my favorite SF novel).
  • Headphones: Listening to mellow and house on my favorite Bose headphones.
  • Slippers: I love to get some offline escaping to a wellness resort.
  • Beerglass: A typical beer glass of the local beer type “Kölsch” of my hometown Köln. I’d love to take you to “gemütlich” Brauhaus and enjoy a couple of these.
  • Shakespeare bookmark: Only theatre as better than reading. I’ve played amateur theatre for about 10 years and am supergrateful to get a glimpse a lot of times of all the productions run in the Werkspoor kathedrale from our neighboring Dataworkz office.
  • The Witcher: I enjoy my portion of nerding out with computer games. From Civiliation 2 to Witcher 3 everything is possible. Sometimes you’ll catch me hiding for hours in a bush at Fortnite.


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